Friday, December 24, 2010

delicate december

what a great month!!!
give a shot for december.. wohooooo
jujur, desember bener" bulan yg kereeen
ada uas yang mencekam, wedding anak sahabatnya papa yg temanya desember white bgt,
terus non stop hedonism hahahaaha maksudnya non stop menghibur diri sih...
stress bgt sm urusan kepanitiaan, uas, akhirnya jadi membabi deh hahaha
awal bulan aja gw nyenengin diri sendiri
well, this is holidaaaaay guys! y'all shud enjoy with your own way
and this is my own way... food, movie, bonding time with my family and friends :)

keren bangeeeet... 
i love disney since I was 5 till now and forever old hahahaa *apa deh

terus lanjut yoshinoya deh di GI.. nyum nyum
 original beef ~my favorite

free gift from yoshinoya
sampai sekarang gw udah punya 4 ahahahaha

and the journey still continued....
you shud try cappuccino tiramisu :D

well, itu kan awal bulan...
nah hedonism terus berlanjut.. keep going and going...
kemarin itu gw kalap di gading ahahahaha
udah pada nonton TRON LEGACY belom??
harus nonton!! you won't regret, I promise!
ceritanya bagus, actornya ganteeeeeng hahahaha
efeknya kereeen.... ga nyesel beneran deh nonton ini film.. canggih :))

mumpung liburan, semua yg ada dinikmatin aja *kalap mode:on
tutti frutti ~yg ini sih ga pake ngerasa dosa deh buat makan banyak
you shud try original mix bubble gum froyo + gummy candy + choco chip + nata
kyaaaaaaa I'm in heaven  o:-)

drilled baby potato ~pancious
all time favoooor!! makan ini jadi bikin gw inget sama temen" FTb2009 hahaha
kangeeen wooy hedon" bareng!!!!