Saturday, September 24, 2011

spell me, music

let's we open up about one thing that the world surely has it
and the people surely loves it
and maybe some of them can't live without it

we can express the words that are the hardest to say aloud
sad, happy, excited, sick, flat, broken, proud, grateful
thank you for accompanying me
even though I switch moods easily

well, gw sekarang" ini lagi suka banget bangetan sama 2 band
bisa dibilang telat sukanya sih tapi yaudalah (menghibur diri)
okay, ladies and gentleman.. here it goes..

the script
they're come from dublin, perform since 2001
I bet everyone could easily love their song.easy listening, not cheesy, nice lyric, simple but touching, fits every mood.
the script is an irish rock alternative band, this one has a uniqe color. musik the script lebih ringan dibanding band" rock alternative lainnya. tapi tetep ga ngilangin "sense of manly" di setiap lagu mereka (off course after I heard their songs over and over again! LOL). eniwei, danny o'donoghue as vocal lead was seriously has a disease called super-handsome-yet-charming-nocure-unhelpless (kidding! it's not a disease, it's God gift :) Amen for that)

 30 seconds to mars
this band comes from LA, the band release their debut in 2002 but their started their carrier in 1998. this band has a pure anlternative rock, hardcore music. I love listen to them, specially when stressful, they've got a lots of energy in their song, rythm, lyric. jangan pikir kalo musik keras ga cocok buat cewe ato ga bagus, denger baik", resapin deh kalo perlu. kalo suka, bisa nagih dengerinnya :)
jarred letto, shannon letto and tomo has a gigantic awesomeness in songs. 

yay! kembali ke normal yaa setelah ber "cincalaula" english indo :p
sekarang kembali ke bahasa ibu kita tercinta, indonesia tanah air kita. merdeka!
kalo tadi gw uda bawel banget soal 2 band yg lagi gw suka dalam arti kata suka yg kebangetan
dari musik dalam negeri sendiri (ceileh, berasa vj" acara musik ye) juga pasti ada yg jadi favorit kan
iya kan iya? 
oke oke jadi gw sendiri pun udah beberapa tahun ini *mendadak tua* setia bener sukanya sama 1 band yg digawangi oleh 4 orang muda-mudi. ini ngetik kaya gini kok berasa ga sadardiri ya kalo terlalu baku ahahahahahahhaha
hmm maaf ya maaf, ga pake lama deh.. saya suka kok sama vierra. suka banget. iya banget banget. suka. suka. titik deh pokoknya suka.
vierra. kevin aprilio, widi nichlany, tryan widjanarko, raka cyril. pop disney. lagunya simple + catchy. dapetlah feelnya hehehe. aduh aduh iya sih gw akuin juga pendapat orang lain soal vocal dari vocalist vierra yg ga sebagus yg lain tapi ah bodo ametlah, widi bakal belajar terus kok. *berasa temenan sama artis*
udah ya udah, kapan-kapan saya akan lebih bawel lagi.

adios, cheerios!