Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas wish list

last night = Christmas eve
can you feel the atmosphere of Christmas?
It's really brought you to a delicate and dreamy night
cause I do really feel like that :)
dari kecil pasti udah punya ritual kecil"an soal malem Natal
di keluarga saya, sama ko kebiasaannya kaya keluarga" yg lain
pasang pohon Natal kan udah dari awal bulan desember tapi tahun ini saya ga pasang
ga tau kenapa saya jg bingung ahahahaha
kayanya gara" kebanyakan pesenan kue kue Natal de hahaa
kebiasaannya yaa ibadah malam Natal di Gereja, terus pulangnya makan" biasanya
kadang juga ada cross present hehehehee jadi kita saling tukeran kado :)
atau ga besok pagi Natal baru makan" deh
personal sih saya lebih seneng ada di moment-moment khusus waktu malam Natalnya:
1. renungan malam Natal, teduh, damai, suka bgt sm momentnya
2. kumpul brg papa,mama,kakak,adik-adik di ruang keluarga deket phon Natal terus buka
    kado bareng"
3. makan bareng abis ibadah Natal :)
saya suka banget sama nuansa Natal...
beda banget sama bulan-bulan yg lain, ga tau knp saya bs lebih semangat di desember

when you talk about Christmas, you'll get notice about one thing
one thing which is including all your passion in Christmas :)
I used to call it as a Christmas wish list
honestly, I never ever ever make a christmas wish list, normally I'm just a person who loves the atmosphere and everything about Christmas eve...
since I was a kid, I'm just an ordinary girl who always begging my mother to arrange a Christmas tree in our living room.. I like to put all the cute things and a star at the top of the tree
that's my favorite routine in once a year...

speaking of Christmas wish list, till now I haven't write a wish list
I prefer in prayer, so I can confess all the things in my head or even heart to God
but, if I could make a Christmas wish list... I guess my wish list won't be a long thread paper :D
just a simple wish... I hope
let GOD knows that my wish list are His grace and love endures my life and let His blessings surrounding the circle of my family and firends too. Amen
sometime when I think about my childhood Christmas wish list (if I could make it) it would be like a list on a paper which is numbering form one to ten or even more hahahaha
such like...
1. barbie doll
2. puppy with a bow
3. pinky dress
4. cooking toys
5. candy
6. chocolate
7. ice cream
8. disneyland tickets
9. many moooore hahahaha

well, now I'm 20 and looks like I'm way more realistic than before
so, hope for the big grace that God always given to us for a nonstop in our life
make sure that you're not loose your Christmas sense till your become granny/grandpa
cause every kids seems have their own Santa and Christmas imagination in their mind
pray that your Christmas wish list become real and may God bless you in abundace and highly favooooooor....

be blessed :)